Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Version Roy Lichtenstein "Crying Girl" 1963


  1. Roy, Very beautiful! She seems Very hopeless!Thank you for your worry for us, we are in difficult situation in Greece, but we live yet...Kisses from Greece.

  2. Fany

    I am liking the style of his drawings. It might be a style I can use on my own.


  3. Great sketch! I can say that you are acquiring more control and skill in your movement of the hand. That is great. You see what practice can do? :)

  4. Olga

    Thank you. I am gaining more confidence. This might be the style for me. We will see. As always, thanks for the words of encouragement. I look forward to seeing your new paintings

  5. such beautiful all your sketches! Your girl seems to be very expressive, delicated and fragile...Really great work, I believe!

  6. onirokosmos

    You are too kind my friend. High praise indeed.
    thank you!

  7. Of the two, I like this one the best. The detail in her fingers and the emotion you've captured in her eyes is fabulous!

  8. Lynda

    Thanks again. If one captures the emotion in the eyes (window to the soul)the rest of the drawing comes alive. My pencils fly with happiness!!


I hope you like it!

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