Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Fist

Hand drawing continued

My try

My paper is a 50 lb. weight.
I have been advised to use 
250 lb. weight paper
which is rougher and holds charcoal better

The charcoal I used is a blunt type of material.
I think I need more of a pencil style
for more detail

coffee time


first posted 4-26-2011
on R Jacob Post

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Change of Art

I felt stuck lately on doing faces, not happy with the results'
Here is a quick landscape drawing.
Grass, rocks, water flowing, trees.
A change of pace.

back to the drawing board.

First posted March 27, 2011
on R Jacob Post

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Draw What I See?

the journey continues

watercolor by
Eric Ravillous
circa 1930
shown at the Fry Art Gallery

my attempt
A bit of difficulty converting a watercolor 
into black and white
but I think it came out alright.

If something catches my eye
and I think I can draw it
I will try.
I am not afraid to try to draw
I am more afraid not to try.

coffee time

First posted April 11, 2011 on R Jacob Post

Monday, April 18, 2011


I found this drawing online. 
It said it was done by Raphael. 
I liked it and thought I would give it a try.

my version

It was a lot of fun to draw.

But now, it is coffee time, of course!


original post
4-17-11 R Jacob Post

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